Meet Rhonda

Rhonda Dragomir is a multimedia creative who treasures her fairy tale life in Central Kentucky, insisting her home is her castle, even if her prince refuses to dig a moat.
In 2024, Barbour Publishing, Inc. released her debut novel, When the Flames Ravaged, a Christian historical romance set in 1944 in Hartford, CT when a circus tent caught fire and burned to the ground in only 15 minutes. It features a love story between a gold star widow and a circus clown who hides from his murky past behind a layer of grease paint.
Rhonda has garnered numerous writing awards for both fiction and nonfiction, including her selection as 2019 Writer of the Year by Serious Writer, Inc. She was also a finalist in ACFW’s Genesis Contest in 2020 and 2022 in the Historical Romance category. When the Flames Ravaged won a 2024 Golden Scroll Award in the historical fiction category from the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association.
She has published works in several anthologies and periodicals, and she is currently seeking publication for her finished novels and screenplays.
Rhonda and Dale live next door to their only child—a daughter—her husband, and two grandchildren. They appreciate their idyllic life and know it’s because of God’s blessings.