Multimedia creative Rhonda Dragomir offers design services to writers through her LLC, The Dragomir Group. Browse below for descriptions of her offerings and click the button beside each service for examples of her past work.
All services are offered at the price of $85/hour.
Because charges are computed by the hour, you will save money by having a clear vision for your project and providing well-edited, final-draft copy.
Website Design
Your website is “home base” for your online presence, and a well-designed, functional, attractive site is your best calling card. Rhonda designs sites using WordPress software, which she can maintain or turn over to you for updates.
Book Covers
A professionally-designed cover attracts readers and marks you as a writing professional. Rhonda works with you to design a cover that evokes the right mood and contains information readers need to make the all-important purchase decision.
Book Trailers
A book trailer introduces potential readers to your book with a video that includes images, text, and background music to communicate its central appeal. The Dragomir Group offers an option for original music by an ASCAP composer.
Authors who self-publish should engage the services of a typesetter to assist with fonts, layout, and pagination of their manuscripts. Rhonda has typeset books not only for self-published authors, but also for indie publishing companies.
A custom-designed logo helps your followers and potential customers identify your organization with branded images and a unique color pallette. Rhonda will work with you to develop a logo and provide files that meet specs for social media use.

Click this link to be redirected to Rhonda’s site for her writing projects and speaking.