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Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24

Resentment began to grow in my heart like an ugly weed.  It had been more than a year since my husband had been forced to resign from ministry in a church he had pastored for more than two decades. Pain and grief had been my companions ever since–and they were trouble enough without adding a third enemy.

The source of my resentment was easy to understand. In fact, I thought it was very reasonable. As I allowed the details of the accusations to tumble repeatedly through my mind (which was a mistake in itself), I associated certain verbal attacks with the individuals who said them. I forgot Ephesians 6:12, which would have reminded me that my struggle was not against flesh and blood.

I fed my resentment by recalling specific moments of ministry and sacrifices we had made.  Names and faces of people appeared in my thoughts, especially those I knew had made false accusations. I remembered sacrifices of family time, many times returning from vacations to minister to them and their loved ones. Those sacrifices seemed pointless.

One day God interrupted my thoughts, and I’m so glad He did. In His loving way, He seemed to ask the question, “For whom did you do these acts of kindness and sacrifice?” Of course, I knew what the answer should be. I should have done those things in service and gratitude to Jesus, who sacrificed Himself for me. If I had ministered only so the people I served would be grateful and feel indebted to me, then those acts were meaningless.

Attitude correction is a marvelous gift from God. When I affirmed that all the good I had done had been for Jesus’ sake, I no longer felt that the people owed me gratitude and kindness. I released them from any need to repay me. The resentment began to dissolve, and along with it some of the grief and pain. What relief!

Prayer:  Lord, help me to serve others from a heart of gratitude for what You have done for me. Help me to resist the idea that people are indebted to me for ministries I do. May all I do be done unto You!  Amen.