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“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…” Hebrews 12:1, NIV

Let’s be clear—I only run if something is on fire, and only then if the blazing item is worth more than a hundred dollars. I am challenged by the verse above when I envision a stadium full of people watching me chug along through life. I hope they didn’t have to pay for tickets.

My current race is only one of many in my life, but it is proving to be one of the most challenging. I thought when I heard the starting pistol it would be a sprint, but it’s proving to be a marathon. Every time I think I’ve heard the bell for the final lap, someone moves the finish line. I have to dig deep, push on, and encourage myself, “One more lap, Rhonda. Come on—you can do it.”

But self-motivation can only take me so far. I’ve already thrown off everything I can that hinders, and I jokingly say I’m too tired to be enticed by sin. I can only persevere in this race one way—by drinking from the divine reservoir of power provided through Christ, who strengthens me.

Kenyan runner Hyvon Ngetich had led most of the 2015 Austin Marathon race. But two-tenths of a mile from the finish line, she wobbled, staggered, and collapsed. Not willing to quit, the woman crawled more than 400 meters until she crossed the finish line. She did not win the race, but her courage inspired all who witnessed her struggle (video link below).

I can’t help but embrace the metaphor. I may be crawling, but by the grace of God, I’ll finish.

Prayer: Lord, on my own I don’t have enough strength to finish this marathon. As I call out to You, grant me physical, emotional, and spiritual strength so my race will bring honor to Your name.

Kenyan Woman Crawls to Finish Line

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jeannie Waters

    Thank you for this encouragement!

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