Before you ask, yes—that’s me in the picture above. Kindergarten-cute, spiffy in my red plaid dress with embroidered flowers. If I knew then what I know now…
I’d tell that little girl she has nothing to worry about. Her loving, powerful Heavenly Father will guide and protect her all her life. She will never be alone, and she will never face a trial she can’t overcome with her Savior’s help.
In these tumultuous times, it’s imperative to remember former days and reflect on the lives and times of people who lived centuries—and even millennia—ago.  When we meditate on God’s goodness in times past, we have confidence to stride into the future. This is why I love to write historical romance. The characters I create always discover the same truth—God’s love never fails. Not then, and certainly not now.

Join me in exploring God’s goodness in every era. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! (Hebrews 13:8)

Remember the former days

when you endured a harsh conflict of suffering after you were enlightened… for you need endurance in order to do God’s will and so receive what is promised.

Hebrews 10:32 and 36


World War II

Nazis, Kamikazis, Allies versus Axis powers, rationing, blackouts…World War II challenged freedom-loving people to unite against an enemy that seemed like a juggernaut. War raged in Europe, but America did not escape its tentacles of fear. Faith in God was sorely tested in the face of unrelenting evil.

Release date: March 1, 2024

The Bataan Death March stole Evelyn's husband, and now—a scant month after D-Day—a tragic fire on the home front might have wiped out the rest of her family. How can she maintain her faith in the face of such enormous loss? "Fraidy Freddie," a circus clown, walks with Evelyn through the flames of grief. Love sparks between them, but will their faith survive?

When the Flames Ravaged won a 2024 Golden Scroll Award from AWSA (the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) for excellence in the historical fiction category.

Spirited across the English border as a child, Liam believes he is a true son of Scotland. But the knight's birthright dictates a different destiny: he is the rightful heir to an English dukedom—Ravenwood. But before he can depose the usurper who killed his family, he meets an intriguing young woman caught in the crosshairs of the villain. Will he imperil his quest in order to rescue her? Or will her rescue become the key God uses to unlock Liam's destiny?

Elizabethan England

Knights and damsels, noblemen and ladies, and the rags-to-riches rise of a beloved character are staples of stories set during the reign of the first Queen Elizabeth. Soaring castles, sword fights, and class struggles are a rich backdrop for characters to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and fall in love. Destiny Delayed is a delightful romp through England and Scotland during an era in which honor is as important as wealth.

This manuscript placed as a finalist in the 2022 Genesis Contest sponsored by American Christian Fiction Writers.

Against his wishes, a Union officer is reassigned to Kentucky’s Camp Nelson and tasked with transforming former slaves into soldiers. An unconventional Quaker widow challenges him with her peacemaking ways as God sifts their hearts during the Civil War.


The Civil War

North versus South, brother against brother, warmongers, peace lovers… The Civil War nearly meant the end of the United States of America. Christians in those years learned the meaning of Hebrews 10:39, But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.

This manuscript placed as a finalist in the 2022 Genesis Contest sponsored by American Christian Fiction Writers.

Learn More about Rhonda

Rhonda shares the joy of being a beloved child of God at all her speaking engagements, whether in a virtual environment or in person at your event. Visit this page to learn more.

An award-winning writer, Rhonda has several published works in print. She writes both fiction and nonfiction, a historical romance with characters who have orphan hearts. Learn more.

Representation, Awards, and Memberships

Represented by agent Linda Glaz of the Linda S. Glaz Literary Agency.

As a member of AWSA, the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Rhonda leads their Protégé program, mentoring beginning writers and speakers.

2019 Writer of the Year by Serious Writer, Inc.

Finalist in ACFW’s Genesis Contest in 2020 and 2022.

Won 168 Film’s Write of Passage screenwriting competition in 2022, and won second place the following year.

Winner of an AWSA Golden Scroll Award in 2024.

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Remembering the past...

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