“I’ll give this $20 to anyone who comes up here and takes it.” The evangelist whipped out a bill and waved it in the air like a giant foam finger, but no one in the congregation moved. I wanted to but didn’t. The speaker repeated his offer. “This $20 belongs to anyone who will take it.” My intrepid husband leaped to his feet, strode forward and collected his gift. His smug smile provoked my envy. “Salvation is a…

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The first sunny Sunday in September after my birth, Mom and Dad trundled me off to the church my father pastored in Dayton, Ohio. They started a habit I’ve kept my entire life. I married a minister. I teach Sunday school, and I play the piano in morning worship. But I was 31 years old before I truly believed God loved me. Why? I developed an orphan heart. I saw God not as a loving father an—“Abba, Daddy”…

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“He’s gone.” Two little words altered my life forever. In my Washington, D.C. hotel room, I collapsed to the floor in grief. My 18-year-old brother had been killed in a construction accident. My honeymoon ended with a late night drive through mountains hazed with dense fog to come home for my brother’s funeral. I had not even been married for a full week. My first question, and one I sometimes still ask, is “Why?” That particular hurricane pounded…

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